Last week I did something I've been meaning to do for a while--I got myself some slick new wheels. The bicycle is older than I am, so it only cost me 80RMB (or $11.70). The previous owner was an elderly Chinese man who lives on the opposite side of town. His younger neighbor helped him put up a classified add on a popular Beijing expat website and I was happy to take it off his hands.picture from this website
The bike is classic Beijing style, and looks similar to the one in the above picture, minus the basket in the front. The frame on mine also looks thicker and more worn. I really wanted to get an old bike though. It just seems so authentic. Also, an old bike is much less likely to be stolen (as Uncle Eric is always reminds me).
I picked up the bike on the south-east side and I live on the north-west side. I took the subway to get there, but taking the subway back was not an option since I couldn't bring the bike on with me. Equipped with only a single gear, I trekked across the city for nearly two hours before I got home. It was a really nice ride though. This city is as flat as a chessboard, and has bike lanes everywhere. Nightfall came before I reached T-Square and the Forbidden City, so it was beautifully lit up as I pedaled past. Beijing really is an interesting place to live.